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Department Structure
The Public Relations department operates directly under the supervision of the ACCE’s executive director and exists as an extension of the director’s office. It is a support department that coordinates its work with the organization’s five other departments and amplifies ACCE activities within the public sphere.

Administration and Financial Department

The Administration and Financial Department at the Arab Counselling Center for Education (ACCE) plays a central role in the institutional and staff development of the center. The department is responsible for ensuring the availability of high-caliber financial and administrative staff who organize policies and procedures that guide the ACCE's planning processes, budgets, and monitoring and evaluation.


In order to improve the quality of services provided to the general population, ACCE works on strengthening the capacity of service providers in the mental health field. The main objective of the department is to upgrade the capacities and performance of individuals and institutions working in mental health. Period: 1990- present. Location: ACCE location in Jerusaalem. 

Advocacy Department

Through the advocacy department, the ACCE works with interest groups, policy makers as well as ministries in order to develop policies related to mental health on the national level, as well as provide the international community with credible information on the effects of the Israeli occupation on mental health in Jerusalem. The main objective of the department is to improve policies, procedures, systems and practices related to the mental health of individuals and the Palestinian society at large.

Period: 2005 - present.