In order to improve the quality of services provided to the general population, ACCE works on strengthening the capacity of service providers in the mental health field. The main objective of the department is to upgrade the capacities and performance of individuals and institutions working in mental health. Period: 1990- present. Location: ACCE location in Jerusaalem.
The role of ACCE and partners: ACCE collaborates and partners with several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the mental health field for its training programs, including: Save the Children, RNW Media, War Child, Finnish Church Aid, Taawon (Welfare Association), GIZ, UNDP, and WHO.
Programs implemented through the capacity building department include: 1. Training and placement of university students: undergraduates and graduating students majoring in psychology, social work and education from Jerusalem universities are placed in all offices and departments of ACCE as volunteers and as trainees.
2. Developing the capacities of mental health organizations through training and professional supervision: The ACCE has worked on developing individual and group counseling services at mental health organizations, through improving the knowledge of professionals within these organizations on mental health issues through training workshops as well as weekly supervision sessions, including a professional supervision training of trainers program that provides participants with internationally recognized diplomas at the end of the training period, issued by the University of Berlin.
3. Implementation of short-term training programs: ACCE has provided short-term training programs for mental health practitioners and other relevant persons in numerous topics, including but not limited to:
- Formation and management of groups (for prevention and therapeutic purposes)
- School counseling
- Expressive art and music therapy
- Self-empowerment and self-assertion methods
- Crisis intervention techniques
- Working with ex-political detainees
- Development of educational materials
- Training of trainers
- Volunteer management
- Development of assessment and monitoring tools